Using Command Line Tool For Github On Mac

Active5 years, 2 months ago

I'm trying to use a local Git repository (i.e. Gif tool for mac. not hosted on GitHub at all), and I'm having troubles with GitHub for Mac.

It shows my outgoing changes, but then I appear to have to Push to the server, and there appears to be no way to perform a 'Sync' without publishing to GitHub (which we don't want to do).

I haven't found any documentation regarding this, or users experiencing similar issues.

Any suggestions?

Github Download Mac

K. CarpenterK. Carpenter

The difference is that I am using GIFs to show the two main ways to install Git on Mac. Option 1 The easiest way to install Git is to install the Xcode Command Line Tools which comes with Git among other things. The problem with Git is that it’s so ancient that we have to use the command line—or Terminal if you’re a Mac user—in order to access it, typing in snippets of code like ‘90s hackers. The ultimate tool for developers to manage their Mac. It provides a huge set of command line commands that automate the usage of your macOS system. When you run a function, the executed command is displayed and that helps you memorize each of the Utilities for future usage. Use the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, to deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes. Using kubectl, you can inspect cluster resources; create, delete, and update components; look at your new cluster; and bring up example apps. Open an issue in the GitHub repo if you want to report a problem or suggest an improvement.

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4 Answers

The application is a free tool to encourage you to use GitHub, and works best with GitHub, but it can also work with private repositories now as detailed in this excerpt from

Multiple Git remotes & non-GitHub remotesSql injection tool for mac. GitHub for Mac does not support multiple Git remotes. We will only work with the origin remote. If you wish to push & pull to other remotes, we suggest that you use the command line client.

GitHub for Mac is optimized to work with GitHub remotes — but if you wish to use a non-GitHub remote, it will work just fine. Set the remote manually in the settings tab and everything else should work as expected.

I have tested the latest [Version 1.2.6 (010d408)] software with some of my private non-github remotes and it seems to work ok with some fiddling. In theory, you should just be able to drag and drop an existing repository into the new repository pane. If the existing repository on your local machine has been set up to work with your remote from the command line, then it should work just fine in the GitHub software..

However, I ran into a few hiccups along the way. For example, the GitHub for Mac software refused to acknowledge one of my repositories. I would continuously drag and drop it into the Mac software and it would refuse to show up in the repository list. Sometimes, a random repository would pop up instead from my GitHub account! Some of my other private repos worked just fine, and I could circumnavigate the strange bug by manually moving the .git directory to another folder and then dragging the local repo into the Mac software pane. It would then offer to set up a new repo in that folder. After this was done, I replaced the new .git directory with my old backup. Even with this little problem fixed, I still occasionally get random errors dialogue boxes that inform me that there has been a 'Git Error' when browsing commits, although this information appears to be just an annoyance, as all my commit information is displayed correctly. I normally work from the command line and am pretty sure that there was no problem with the setup of my git repo.

In summary, GitHub form Mac is awesome for Gitub based repos, but still not perfect for your own repos on different remotes. There are, however, other free tools such as gity and gitx that work on mac and allow you to use a repo hosted anywhere. I have not tried Tower, but it looks pretty awesome.

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Git commands mac

I don't actually have a Mac to try this, so maybe I'm missing something glaringly obvious, but according to

GitHub for Mac is optimized to work with GitHub remotes — but if you wish to use a non-GitHub remote, it will work just fine. Set the remote manually in the settings tab and everything else should work as expected.

so I presume in the settings you can do something similar to doing the following on the command-line:

Then when you hit the Sync button it should use that it seems. I would guess that behind the scenes the Github client is simply using your project's .git/config file, so I'd be surprised if you can't edit your remote as you see fit.

See e.g. this post for a few different ways of setting up your shared remote.

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If you don't want to publish your code on github but do want to use the github tools, you could pay for private repositories:

then you can use the github tools and still keep your code to yourself. Otherwise, you'll have to use something other than the github mac application to handle your git workflow:


Clone your repository in the command-line, then add it to as a local repository. That seems to work for me -- it looks like is successfully reading the origin from the .git/config file and using it to sync.


Git Client Command Line

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Command Line Tool For Mac

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