Seetest Automation Tool For Mac

  1. Seetest Automation Tool For Mac
  2. Experitest Seetest
  3. Silk Test Automation Tool
Active2 months ago

Hi friendscan anybody provide tutorial for seetest automation tool for android


SeeTest Automation Datasheet - Mobile test automation tool for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone.

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Seetest Automation Tool For Mac

Thus we view SeeTest as a best-of-breed tool in the automated test development and execution realm. More below on what this tool can do to help your financial institution automate mobile app testing with a high degree of efficiency and reliability. Test automation tool for iOS, Android, Blackberry and WindowsPhone. SeeTestAutomation - Mac installer. How and what you can do with SeeTest tool.

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Experitest's SeeTestAutomation tool is marching toward a new era of capabilities with it's new seeTestAutomation Mac version! Starting from the end of December 2013, we will release SeeTestAutomation mac version (for Macintosh machines with OS X version 10.8 'Mountain Lion' or Version 10.9 'Mavericks'). Test automation tool for iOS, Android, Blackberry and WindowsPhone. Read more Meet tight mobile app delivery timelines and requirements with reliable high-volume automated mobile testing. 'We searched for the best tool to enable an innovative digital QA strategy, and finally selected the SeeTest platform by Experitest. The Digital Assurance Lab and SeeTest’s automation suite have increased our web and mobile application testing coverage, allowing our teams to release digital apps to market much faster.'

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closed as off-topic by davidcesarino, codeMagic, brettdj, Mike, Joseph QuinseyJan 3 '14 at 3:08

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – davidcesarino, codeMagic, brettdj, Mike
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

after that i got this link

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You can find advance tutorial in the following link:Advance Tutorial

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Disabling Auto-Lock feature on iOS 9.2 prevents your iOS device from getting locked automatically. Here are the steps on How to Disable Auto-Lock on iOS 9.2:

  1. Open your device, Tap Settings -> Auto-Lock
  2. Select the Never under Auto-Lock settings

Where Auto-Lock feature is Disabled?

As evident from the feature’s name, Auto-Lock feature is used we do not want our device to get locked. On Industrial level, this feature used while automation testing of the User interface of an iOS application. During an automation testing, certain commands are passed through the automation tool like SeeTest tool to the device. These commands are mostly automated-touch commands written in the codes in the background.

If testing of an iOS device lasts for more than let’s say one hour, then we do not have the option disabling the Auto-Lock feature of our iOS device for more than an hour. In that case, we disable the Auto-Lock feature forever. So that the device does not get locked in between the automation testing. This is the reason we Disable Auto-Lock on iOS devices.

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Silk Test Automation Tool