Penetration Testing Tool For Mac

  1. Itool For Mac
  2. Penetration Testing Tools For Mac
  3. Top 10 Penetration Testing Tools
  4. Application Penetration Testing Tools

Although you can get almost any security tool imaginable if you jailbreak your iPhone, we were curious what was out there for non-jailbroken iPhones.

The applications being developed for the web as well as the desktop environment are very sensitive. This is more when it comes to how they store their data. Virtually all the applications have sensitive data that need to be safeguarded and as a result, there is a need to keep PenTest tools to assist in the penetration testing processes. In the majority of the cases, this is a continuous process, and thus it should be there always.


  • 19 best and most poweful Penetration Testing Tools and hacking tools every Penetration tester or ethical hacker should know. On web applications, networks, servers etc. It has a command-line and the GUI clickable interface works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Although there might be few free limited trials available, this.
  • When you think of an operating system to run pen testing tools on, you probably think of Linux and more specifically, BackTrack Linux. BackTrack Linux is a great option and one of the most common platforms for running pen testing tools. If you are a Mac user, then you would most likely run a virtual.
  • SinFP Penetration Testing Tool SinFP is a pen testing tool designed to fingerprint targeting operating systems when only single port is open. SinFP works passively and actively, meaning it can be used against a live host to identify the operating system by only sending 2 or 3 TCP packets. primarily allows you to scan the TCP/IP ports so that you can know if there is any port that is vulnerable. It is easy to use and listens to all the available ports and closes the one that it suspects that someone might be listening in.


Metasploit is the penetration testing tool that is used by the great majority of the people. With this, users are able to test their network defense system and be assured of the best results. The tool is absolutely free to download and use, at the same time it has great resources and support.


w3af is one of the great vulnerability testing tools for web applications to ensure that all their vulnerabilities are detected and thus ensuring the integrity of the data and the application. The framework is very easy to use and also extendable. Also, the framework is free to use and open source.


Netsparker is a penetration testing application that offers an automated testing for web applications. With this, all you have to do is to point the tool to your website, and it does the rest by giving you all the possible vulnerabilities as well as possible remedies to them.


Nessus is a leading solution when it comes to penetration testing for web apps. The solution features three possible ways through which users can be in a position to choose from. One offers pen testing tools online which are cloud hosted. Nessus manager as well as Nessus Professional.


BackTrack, unlike any other solution, is a complete Linux-based operating system that comes with a comprehensive testing package. This allows users to perform penetration testing and thus guarantee the application especially those on the web are safe. It is one of the most powerful and versatile penetration testing application.


Twitch bandwidth tool. Burp is a great pentest tool for windows applications and can also be used as a pentest tools for Android. The tool offers a free version where you do not have to pay anything while at the same time there is a premium version that takes pride of added functionalities.

Acunetix Web

Acunetix Web is the leading pentest application based on the number of customers as well as popularity. It offers advanced reporting as well as giving details on the security issues detected. With this, you can easily scan your website and ensure it is safe. It can pinpoint the exact code with issues. You can also see SD Card Formatter

What is PenTest Tools?

PenTest tools are applications that are designed to assess the vulnerability aspects of applications. Actually, pentest is an abbreviation for penetration testing and it is a form of ethical hacking where the application or the website is subjected to vigorous testing so as to identify all the weak spots and consequently advice the user on the best defense strategy to ensure it is not hacked into. You can also see USB Encryption Software

The strategies used by the applications in this category are also quite diverse, and this allows them to test different aspects as every program has its own unique requirements that need to be taken care of.

Selection of the appropriate tool is fundamental in ensuring that the jobs get done well. With this category of tools, there are a number of factors that have to be put into consideration before settling on one. However, with this review, the task is relatively easier and manageable.

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List and comparison of the Top Penetration Testing Tools in the market: (Research Done for you!)

Wouldn’t it be fun if a company hired you to hack its website/network/Server? Well, Yeah!

Penetration testing, commonly known as pen-testing is on a roll in the testing circle nowadays. The reason is not too hard to guess – with the change in the way computer systems are used and built, security takes the center stage. Even though companies realize that they can’t make every system 100% secure, they are extremely interested to know exactly what kind of security issues they are dealing with.

That’s where Pen-testing comes handy with its use of ethical hacking techniques.

For more details about Penetration Testing, you can check these guides:
=> Penetration testing – the complete guide
=> Security testing of web & desktop applications

Let us now quickly see:

What is Penetration Testing?

It is a method of testing in which the areas of weakness in the software systems in terms of security are put to test to determine, if ‘weak-point’ is indeed one, that can be broken into or not.

Performed for: Websites/Servers/Networks

How is it Performed?

Step #1. It starts with a list of Vulnerabilities/potential problem areas that would cause a security breach for the system.
Step #2.If possible, this list of items is ranked in the order of priority/criticality
Step #3. Devise penetration tests that would work (attack your system) from both within the network and outside (externally) are done to determine if you can access data/network/server/website unauthorized.
Step #4. If unauthorized access is possible, then the system has to be corrected and the series of steps need to be re-run until the problem area is fixed.

Who Performs Pen-testing?

Testers/ Network specialists/ Security Consultants perform Pen-testing.

Note: It is important to note that pen-testing is not the same as vulnerability testing. The intention of vulnerability testing is just to identify the potential problems, whereas pen-testing is to attack those problems.

Good news is, you do not have to start the process by yourself – you have a number of tools already available in the market. Wondering, why tools?

  • Even though you design the test on what to attack and how you can leverage, a lot of tools that are available in the market to hit the problem areas and collect data quickly that in turn would enable effective security analysis of the system.

Before we look into the details of the tools, what they do, where you can get them, etc. , I would like to point out that the tools you use for pen-testing can be classified into two kinds – In simple words, they are scanners and attackers. This is because; by definition, pen-testing is exploiting the weak spots. So there are some software/tools that will show you the weak spots, & some that show, and attack. Literally speaking, the ‘show-ers’ are not pen-testing tools but they are inevitable for its success.

A comprehensive list of the best Penetration or Security Testing tools used by penetration testers:


Recommended Pen Test Tool:

=> Try the best Netsparker Pen Testing Tool


=> Want to suggest other tools in this list? Let us know here.

What You Will Learn:

  • Best Security Penetration Testing Tools in the Market

Best Security Penetration Testing Tools in the Market

19 Best Security Penetration Testing Tools that every security tester should know:

#1) Netsparker

Netsparker is a dead accurate automated scanner that will identify vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting in web applications and web APIs. Netsparker uniquely verifies the identified vulnerabilities proving they are real and not false positives.

Therefore you do not have to waste hours manually verifying the identified vulnerabilities once a scan is finished.

It is available as a Windows software and an online service.

Download link:Click here to learn more about Netsparker

#2) Acunetix

Acunetix is a fully automated web vulnerability scanner that detects and reports on over 4500 web application vulnerabilities including all variants of SQL Injection and XSS.

It complements the role of a penetration tester by automating tasks that can take hours to test for manually, delivering accurate results with no false positives at top speed.

Acunetix fully supports HTML5, JavaScript and Single-page applications as well as CMS systems. It includes advanced manual tools for penetration testers and integrates with popular Issue Trackers and WAFs.

Download link:Click here to learn more about Acunetix

#3) Core Impact

Core impact: With over 20 years in the market, Core Impact claim the largest range of exploits available in the market, they also let you run the free Metasploit exploits within their framework if they are missing one. They automate a lot of processes with wizards, have a complete audit trail including PowerShell commands, and can re-test a client simply by re-playing the audit trail.

Core write their own ‘Commercial Grade’ exploits to guarantee quality and offer technical support around both those exploits and their platform.

They claim to be the market leader and used to have a price tag to match. More recently the price has come down and they have models appropriate for both corporates and security consultancies.

Download link: Core Impact Download

#4) Probely

Probely scans your Web Applications to find vulnerabilities or security issues and provides guidance on how to fix them, having Developers in mind.

Probely not only features a sleek and intuitive interface but also follows an API-First development approach, providing all features through an API. This allows Probely to be integrated into Continuous Integration pipelines in order to automate security testing.

Probely covers OWASP TOP10 and thousands of more vulnerabilities. It can also be used to check specific PCI-DSS, ISO27001, HIPAA, and GDPR requirements.

Download link:Click here to learn more about

#5) ImmuniWeb®

ImmuniWeb® is a global provider of web and mobile application penetration testing and security scoring. Award-winning ImmuniWeb® AI platform uses Multilayer Application Security Testing (AST) technology for a rapid and DevSecOps-enabled application penetration testing. Gartner, Forrester and IDC analysts distinguished ImmuniWeb for its innovation and effectiveness.

ImmuniWeb offers four main commercial products:

  • ImmuniWeb® Discovery – asset discovery and security risk ratings (web, mobile, cloud, domains, certs, IoT);
  • ImmuniWeb® On-Demand – web penetration testing (web, API, cloud, AWS);
  • ImmuniWeb® MobileSuite – mobile penetration testing (iOS and Android App, Backend API);
  • ImmuniWeb® Continuous – 24/7 continuous security monitoring and pentesting (web, API, cloud, AWS).

ImmuniWeb also offers these FREE security tests for the cybersecurity community:

  • SSL Security Test
  • Website Security Test
  • Mobile App Security Test
  • Phishing Test

ImmuniWeb® won the SC Awards Europe 2018 in “Best Usage of Machine Learning and AI Technology” category, where it outperformed six other finalists including IBM Watson.

=> Visit ImmuniWeb® website

#6) Indusface WAS Free Website Security Check

Indusface WASprovides both manual Penetration testing bundled with its own automated web application vulnerability scanner that detects and reports vulnerabilities based on OWASP top 10 and also includes a Website reputation check of links, malware and defacement checks of the website in every scan.

Every customer who gets a Manual PT done automatically gets the automated scanner and they can use on demand for the whole year.

The company is headquartered in India with offices in Bengaluru, Vadodara, Mumbai, Delhi, and San Francisco and their services are used by 1100+ customers across 25+ countries globally.


  • New age crawler to scan single page applications.
  • Pause and resume feature
  • Manual Penetration testing and publish the report in the same dashboard
  • Check for Malware infection, reputation of the links in the website, defacement and broken links
  • Unlimited proof of concept requests to provide evidence of reported vulnerability and eliminate false positive from automated scan findings
  • Optional integration with the Indusface WAF to provide instant virtual patching with Zero False positive
  • Ability to automatically expand crawl coverage based on real traffic data from the WAF systems (in case WAF is subscribed and used)
  • 24×7 support to discuss remediation guidelines and POC
  • Free trial with a comprehensive single scan and no credit card required

=> Start Your Free Security Scan Here

#7) Metasploit

This is the most advanced and popular Framework that can be used to for pen-testing. It is based on the concept of ‘exploit’ which is a code that can surpass the security measures and enter a certain system. If entered, it runs a ‘payload’, a code that performs operations on a target machine, thus creating a perfect framework for penetration testing.

It can be used on web applications, networks, servers etc. It has a command-line and the GUI clickable interface works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Although there might be few free limited trials available, this is a commercial product.

Download link:Metasploit Download

#8) Wireshark

This is basically a network protocol analyzer –popular for providing the minutest details about your network protocols, packet information, decryption etc. It can be used on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and many other systems. The information that is retrieved via this tool can be viewed through a GUI or the TTY-mode TShark utility. You can get your own free version of the tool from the link below.

Download link:Wireshark download

#9) w3af

W3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework.

Some of its features include fast HTTP requests, integration of web and proxy servers into the code, injecting payloads into various kinds of HTTP requests etc.

It has a command-line interface and works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

All versions are free of charge to download.

Download link:w3af download

#10) Kali Linux

Kali Linux is an open source project that is maintained by Offensive Security. Few prime features of Kali Linux include Accessibility, Full Customisation of Kali ISOs, Live USB with Multiple Persistence Stores, Full Disk Encryption, Running on Android, Disk Encryption on Raspberry Pi 2, etc.

Tools Listings, Metapackages and version Tracking are some of the Penetration Testing tools present in Kali Linux. For more information and in order to download, visit the below page.

Download link:Kali Linux download

#11) Nessus

Nessus is also a scanner and it needs to be watched out for. It is one of the most robust vulnerability identifier tools available. It specializes in compliance checks, Sensitive data searches, IPs scan, website scanning etc. and aids in finding the ‘weak-spots’.

It works best on most of the environments. For more information and in order to download, visit the below page.

Download link:Nessus download

#12) Burpsuite

Burp suite is also essentially a scanner (with a limited “intruder” tool for attacks), although many security testing specialists swear that pen-testing without this tool is unimaginable. The tool is not free, but very cost effective.

Take a look at it on the below download page. It mainly works wonders with intercepting proxy, crawling content and functionality, web application scanning etc. You can use this on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux environments.

Download link:Burp suite download

#13) Cain & Abel

If cracking encrypted passwords or network keys is what you need, then Cain & Abel is the perfect tool for you.

It uses network sniffing, Dictionary, Brute-Force & Cryptanalysis attacks, cache uncovering and routing protocol analysis methods to achieve this. Check out information about this free to use a tool at the below page. This is exclusively for Microsoft operating systems.

Download link:Cain & Abel download

#14) Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

ZAP is completely free to use, scanner and security vulnerability finder for web applications. ZAP includes Proxy intercepting aspects, a variety of scanners, spiders etc.

It works best on most platforms. For more information and in order to download visit the below page.

Download link:ZAP download

#15) John The Ripper

Another password cracker in line is John the Ripper. This tool works on most of the environments, although it’s primarily for UNIX systems. It is considered as one of the fastest tools in this genre.

Password hash code and strength-checking code are also made available to be integrated into your own software/code which I think is very unique. This tool comes in a pro and free form. Check out its site to obtain the software on this page.

Download link:John the Ripper download

#16) Retina

As opposed to a certain application or a server, Retina targets the entire environment at a particular company/firm. It comes as a package called Retina Community.

It is a commercial product and is a sort of a vulnerability management tool more than a pen-testing tool. It works on having scheduled assessments and presenting results. Check out more about this package at the below page.

Download link:Retina download

#17) Sqlmap

Sqlmap is again a good open source pe-testing tool. This tool is mainly used for detecting and exploiting SQL injection issues in an application and hacking over of database servers.

It comes with the command-line interface. Platform: Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows are its supported platforms. All versions of this tool are free for download. Check out the below page for details.

Download link:Sqlmap download

#18) Canvas

Immunity's CANVAS is a widely used tool that contains more than 400 exploits and multiple payload options. It renders useful for web applications, wireless systems, networks etc.

It has a command-line and GUI interface, works best on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. It is not free of charge and more information can be found at the below page.


Download link:Canvas download

#19) Social Engineer Toolkit

The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is a unique tool in terms that the attacks are targeted at the human element than on the system element. It has features that let you send emails, java applets, etc containing the attack code. It goes without saying that this tool is to be used very carefully and only for ‘white-hat’ reasons.

It has a command-line interface, works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. It is open source and can be found at below page.

Download link:SET download

#20) Sqlninja

Sqlninja, as the name, indicates it is all about taking over the DB server using SQL injection in any environment. This product by itself claims not to be so stable. Its popularity indicates how robust it is already with the DB related vulnerability exploitation.

It has a command-line interface, works best on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and not on Microsoft Windows. It is an open source and can be found at the below page.

Download link:Sqlninja download

#21) Nmap

“Network Mapper” though not necessarily a pen-testing tool, it is a must-have tool for ethical hackers. This is a very popular hacking tool that predominantly aids in understanding the characteristics of any target network.

The characteristics include host, services, OS, packet filters/firewalls etc. It works on most of the environments and is open sourced.

Download link: Nmap download

#22) BeEF

BeEF stands for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser which means, it takes advantage of the fact that an open web-browser is the window(or crack) into a target system and designs its attacks to go on from this point.

It has a GUI interface, works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. It is an open source and can be found at the below page.

Download link:BeEF download

#23) Dradis


Dradis is an open source framework (a web application) that helps with maintaining the information that can be shared among the participants of a pen-test. The information collected helps to understand what is done and what needs to be done.

It achieves this purpose by the means of plugins to read and collect data from network scanning tools like Nmap, w3af, Nessus, Burp Suite, Nikto and much more. It has a GUI interface, works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. It is an open source and can be found at the below page.

Download link:Dradis download

Additional Tools for Security and Pen-Testing

The above given is a huge list of penetration tools but that is not the end. There are few more tools and software that are gaining momentum in recent times.

Here are these:

24) Ettercap: A network and host analysis tool that provides sniffing and protocol dissection among other things. More info here.

25) Veracode: Works with the code development process to ensure security and minimize the vulnerabilities at the source level. Check here.

26) Aircrack-ng: Captures data packets and uses the same for recovery of 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys. Download here.

27) Arachni:This is a Ruby framework that helps in analyzing web application security. It performs a meta-analysis on the HTTP responses it receives during an audit process and presents various insights into how secure the application is. Download here.

28) IBM AppScan: As the name itself indicates, this is a scanner that identifies problem areas and suggests remedial actions. Download here.

29) Nagios: This Software when used will monitor the entire environment including servers, applications, network – the entire infrastructure and alert when a potential problem is detected. Download here.

30)WebScarabNG: This tool uses the HTTP/https requests between the browser and the server to understand, capture and sometimes modify the parameters that are part of the communication between the two parties. Download here.

Itool For Mac

31)Maltego: This is a unique tool that focuses on showing/highlighting the relationships between people, sites, infrastructure etc. in order to identify inconsistent/incorrect connections. Download here.

Penetration Testing Tools For Mac

32)IronWASP: It is a customizable scanner creator for web applications using python/ruby scripting. Download here.

Top 10 Penetration Testing Tools

33) HconSTF:Using this tool you can create your own web exploits, decoys that you can use to exploit vulnerabilities in the areas of passwords, databases, network etc. Download here.

34)OpenVAS: Stands for Open Vulnerabilities Assessment System. Well, the name says it all. For more info, check here.

35)Secunia PSI: It is a personal software inspector that will keep your system secure when installed. Try it here.

We hope this piques your interest in the pen-testing field and provides you with the necessary information to get started. A word of caution: remember to wear your ‘White-hat’ because with great power comes great responsibility- and we don’t want to be the ones to misuse it. :-)

Over to you

Have you performed pen-testing before? If yes, please share your experiences. Which security and penetration testing tool do you use? If we missed any important tool in this list please let us know in the comments below.


Application Penetration Testing Tools

=> Missing any tool in this list? Let us know here.


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