Java Command Line Tool For Mac

Oct 22, 2016  To use the “java” command-line tool you need to install a JDK. Discussion in 'macOS Sierra (10.12)' started by b17777, Oct 21. I have the latest Java installed. What in Sierra needs the full JDK installed? Are there any security issues by installing it or how do I make it go away? Share Share on. 2018 Mac Mini Unboxing & Hands On. Without a compatible Java command-line tool for these software, you’ll get this pop-up every time you turn on your Mac computer. When you visit the download website to update Java, you find that the issue isn’t resolved! The Java Development Kit (JDK), officially named 'Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)' is needed for writing Java programs.The JDK is freely available from Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle).

Dec 13, 2015  Support Communities / Mac OS & System Software / OS X El Capitan Announcement: Upgrade to macOS Mojave With features like Dark Mode, Stacks, and four new built-in apps, macOS Mojave helps you get more out of every click. Question: Q: After El Capitan install Java Command Line tool prompt won't go away. These messages look similar, but notice the first one refers to a specific application and the second one generally refers to the java command-line tool. In either case, there is software trying to launch at startup and at other times which is requiring Java. My CPU usage suddenly rose up to 80-100%. Couldn't find the trigger, so I just totally deleted Java from my Mac. Now I keep getting this popup: To use the 'java' command-line tool you need to in. KeyShed is a Java-based command line tool that stores access credentials for the Mac. KeyShed uses the following open source projects: Apache Maven - a software project management and comprehension tool.

Java Command Line Tool Mac Message

Active1 year, 1 month ago

Every so often I keep receiving this 'java' command-line tool notification on my Macbook Air - macOS Sierra.

When I click on More Info it just redirects me to

To Use The Java Command-line Tool Message

Not sure what is the way to get rid of it as it just stays on the screen and I have to select an option to make it go away. I am beginning to worry if this is a virus or something and also unsure why it would lead to the Apple website instead of java (Oracle)?

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2 Answers

The problem was in my case that I installed the JRE, which was installed only as Safari Plugin, but not as usable commandline tool. Therefore /usr/libexec/java_home -v * would not find any installed Java.

The solution is to install the JDK, not the JRE.

Recommending to install Java 6 is not a good idea, this is an outdated version that does not have current security fixes and TLS ciphers.

Oracle should fix this - should not be difficult to make a correct OSX installation.


Something is triggering the java command-line pop up, you can

  • Investigate and find out the source and disable it.

  • Install java command line from :, don't worry it's not a virus or malware this bug is known sometimes the more info button may redirect to the wrong url on some systems.


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Hello, World in Java on Mac OS X

Best free screen recording software for mac. This documents instructs you on how to setup a Java programmingenvironment for your Mac OS X computer and provides a step-by-stepguide to creating, compiling, and executing a Java program.We assume you are running at least OS X 10.2.3.All of the software is freely available on the Web.

Management Apple Remote Desktop gives you the complete tools you need to control all the Mac computers in your network right from your own computer. You can even save task settings as templates and apply them in the future, or use one of more than 30 included sample scripts.


You will use the Java compiler javac to compile your Java programs andthe Java interpreter java to run them.Mac OS X includes implementation of Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.4.1,so there is nothing to do in this step.

Command line interface

You will type commands in an application called the Terminal.You might enjoy reading Neal Stephenson's light-heartedessay In the Beginningwas the Command Line.

  • Open a terminal window. You can find this underGo -> Applications -> Utilities. Drag the Terminal to your dock sinceyou will be using it frequently.
  • You should now have a Terminal window somewhere on the screen.It will have a command prompt that looks something like:
  • To check that you have the right version of Java installed, typethe text in boldface below.
    If Java is installed, you should see something like:
    Now, check that the Java compiler is accessible.
    If it is installed, you should see something like
    If not, install the Developers Tools CD that came with your Mac anduse Software Update to make sure you have the latest version.
  • Now, create a directory to store your Java programs.In the window containing the Command Prompt, type the bold commandsbelow:
    The mkdir command creates a new directory;the cd command changes the current working directory.After executing these commands, your working directoryis the newly created ~username/introcs/hello/. All of yourfiles for Assignment 0 will go here.Don't be scared by the Terminal - you will only need to use afew basic commands. Keep this window open since you will need it laterin the assignment.
  • Since you will be using the Terminal frequently, we recommend customizingWe recommend customizing the default settings..

Text Editor

You will type and edit your programs in a text editor called JEdit.JEdit is similar to conventional word processors like MS Word,but it features many specialized programming tools includingsyntax highlighting, bracket matching, auto indenting, indentshifting, line numbering, and commenting out code. It's even written in Java.

  • Downloadthe latest stable version of JEdit using the MacOSX package link.
  • We recommend the following JEdit customizations.
    • Enable Mac OS style menubar inUtilities -> Global Options -> Plugins -> Mac OS Settings
    • Change the default indentation to four spaces viaUtilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Indent Width andUtilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Tab Width. Global Options -> Editing -> Soft tabs.-->
    • Change the default tab width when printing to four spaces viaUtilities -> Global Options -> Printing -> Tab width when printing
    • Add line numbers by checking Utilities -> Global Options -> Gutter -> Line Numbering
    • Allow at most 80 characters per line byUtilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Word wrap -> hard andUtilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Wrap margin -> 80.
    • Change the default line separator to Unix viaUtilities -> Global Options -> Loading & Saving -> Default Line Separator
    • Remove the annoying . that marks the end of a line by uncheckingUtilities -> Global Options -> Text Area -> End of Line Markers
  • To associate .java files with JEdit so that when you double-click a .java file,it opens it in JEdit:
    • Right click a .java file (or click then shift-right click it if using Windows NT)
    • Choose Open With..
    • Select JEdit from the list of programs or locate JEdit by selecting Otherif necessary.
    • Check the Always use this program to open this file type box
Apple purists may prefer Project Builder which can be found in the Findervia Computer -> OS X Partition -> Developer -> Applications -> Project Builder.
Create the program

Now you are ready to write your first Java program.

  • Launch JEdit Start -> jEdit.
  • In the JEdit window, type the Java program exactly as it appears below.If you omit even a semicolon, the program won't work.
  • When you're done, save the program usingFile -> Save As, chose the directory C:introcshelloand type in the file name file name is case sensitive and must exactly match the name of the classin the Java program. Don't forget to include the .java extension in thefile name.
Compile the program

It is now time to convert your Java program into a form more amenable for executingon a computer.

  • From the Command Prompt, type
    If javac complains in some way, you mistyped something, and you should check your program carefully. Ask for help if you can't see the mistake.
  • If everything went well, you should see the followingin the Command Prompt:
    Silence is golden in computer science.

How To Remove Java Command Line Tool From Mac

Execute the program

Now it is time to run your program. This is the fun part.

  • At the Command Prompt, type
  • If all goes well, you should see
  • You may need to repeat this edit-compile-execute cycle a few times before it all goes smoothly.Use the up and down arrow keys to repeat previous commands and avoid extra typing.
Congratulations, you are now a Java programmer!

Java Command Line Install Jdk Mac


Java Command Line Switches

When I try to run java I get: Exception in thread 'main'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorYour CLASSPATH may have been set by some other program so that it no longer includes the current working directory in the search path. Try running your program with the command line